Motherhood Update | Hoda at 24 Months

Motherhood Update | Hoda at 24 Months

It’s hard to believe how much of a big girl Hoda is! Just the other day I was going through Hoda’s closet to put away some of the clothes she’s outgrown and I came across the tiny premature sized onesie that we brought her home in. I can’t believe she used to be that tiny! Don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely thrilled she’s growing up. Life’s a bit easier now that she’s a little independent woman. It’s been a while since I talked motherhood lately. So here’s what Hoda has been up to as a 25 month old.

What does Hoda’s daily routine look like?

Thankfully Hoda has always loved being on a routine. We try to stick with it as much as possible. Hoda wakes up at 8:30 am usually and then just plays in her crib until someone comes to get her. We haven’t transitioned her to a toddler bed just yet because 1) she’s not climbing out of her crib so why rush? and 2) I’m not ready for her to come into my room whenever she feels like it haha! Now I ask Hoda what she wants to eat for breakfast and she says stuff like “oatmeal” or “eggs” or “rice” which is a bit strange but she loves her rice. After breakfast, we do some sort of a craft activity like coloring, painting, playdough etc. We change it up some days where we go to the library or go for play dates. Hoda still takes a good 3 hour nap every day so that’s my time to get stuff done. Our evening routine is the same everyday. We eat dinner, read a few books, bath time and bed.

What is your favorite thing about this age?

Most days I love this age. She is so much more independent and understands what you’re saying so I can have a conversation with her. I love that she responds with her version of a sentence. She is very opinionated which can be cute somedays or a pain in the butt. She learns something new everyday and surprises us with how much she’s soaking up.

What is the biggest thing she learned recently?

Hoda is POTTY TRAINED! I honestly can’t believe how quickly she picked it up and how easy it was for me to teach her. I started introducing it to her at 18 months but she quickly picked it up right before she turned two. It’s great to not have to buy diapers anymore! Another huge accomplishment for her is learning her Arabic Alphabets. She loves reading her book and pointing out all the letters. She’s starting to associate words with the letters now which is so exciting.

What is the biggest challenge you are facing as a mother right now?

I would say one challenge is learning how to deal with tantrums. It can get super frustrating but learning to deal with them appropriately can make a huge difference in Hoda’s development. Another challenge would be learning to find a balance between work and mom life. With starting a new job with a 2 hour commute and running a business, I feel like I will be losing a lot of time with Hoda. Coming up with a routine so I can maximize my time and effort in each relationship is something I need to figure out.

What is something funny Hoda does or says?

The funniest thing is when Hoda wants something, she is willing to do whatever you want in order to get it. If she asks for a cookie, I’ll tell her to say “I love you Mama” and she’ll say it immediately. Hoda barely ever comes to give you a hug or kiss but when she wants something she becomes the sweetest girl ever!



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