Motherhood Update: Hoda at 11 months

Motherhood Update: Hoda at 11 months

 My baby girl just turned 11 months the other day and now I’m a little overwhelmed and shocked that my baby is not so much of a baby anymore 🙁 Just yesterday I was looking at her and thought ‘wow time has just flown by,’ she has a full head hair now, she’s crawling, standing up, and saying “baba.” It’s all so crazy!

I’ve decided to start documenting what’s new with Hoda on a regular basis and how I am adjusting to motherhood at each phase. She’s growing so fast and I want to make sure I enjoy all of it!

What does Hoda’s daily routine look like?

Hoda has been on a schedule since day 1 so she is a huge fan of routine. She wakes up around 8:00 in the morning and plays in her crib for about 30 minutes before she realizes that no one has come to get her. She then starts getting fussy so we pick her up and get her all ready for breakfast. After breakfast she plays around a little, entertains herself with the cabinet doors in the kitchen while I eat my breakfast. Hoda goes down for her first nap at around 10:30-11:00am

Her daily activities vary between going to the playground, library classes, going to her grandma’s house, or just playing at home. Her second nap is around 3:30-4:00 pm. In the evenings we usually eat dinner together. Hoda takes a bath and gets ready for bed at 7:00 pm

What is a new thing Hoda started doing recently?

Hoda started crawling a couple months back but now she has picked up her arms and knees so no more army crawling. She has gotten so fast at crawling that we need to keep a constant eye on her. She started grabbing on to things to stand and occasionally will let go and stand on her own for a bit. Hoda has started ‘talking’ a lot more and even says ‘baba’ (I’m very jealous). Hoda also got a tooth! It’s not the bottom two or the top two but the top right tooth. It’s very interesting to say the least.

What’s the sweetest thing she does?

The sweetest and cutest thing she does is grab on to my face and plant her cheek onto mine in form of a hug with an occasional kiss here and there.

What are some of Hoda’s favorite things?

Right now, Hoda is obsessed with any teething toy. She is constantly stuffing something in her mouth to soothe her gums. She loves laptop toys and is constantly trying to ‘type’ then opening and shutting the laptop. Hoda is also a little attached to her blanky, she puts a corner of it in her mouth and crawls around with it. It’s hilarious!

My biggest challenge as a mother currently?

My biggest challenge right now is making sure there is always cooked food for Hoda. Now that she is eating normal food 2-3 times a day, I have to make sure I don’t get lazy on the cooking part.

Also, one of my biggest struggles right now is finding the right balance between between baby, hubby and myself. Ideally, I would like to be spending more time as a family especially on the weekends, going to the park or playground. We also decided we need to be more consistent with our date nights. I am also trying to remain consistent with working out at the gym (to be healthy and gain muscle, not lose weight). This way I get a little time to myself while Hoda is at the gym daycare.

My favorite part about this age?

My favorite thing about this age is that her personality is definitely starting to show. If she gets angry that we snatched away her toy, she will grunt and try to snatch it back. She is always smiling and talking. When her Baba comes home from work, she crawls up to him so fast and wants him to hold her. She just wakes up a happy baby (Masha’Allah- God has willed) and I’m enjoying watching her personality take shape.


Any mama’s going through the same? Let me know in the comments!