Pregnancy Diaries: First Trimester Recap

Pregnancy Diaries: First Trimester Recap

Last week I announced something huge for our family! We’re adding another little Hady to the crew! I am now 22 weeks and I have been keeping notes along the way to remember the little details of this pregnancy. I can’t say I’ll miss it but it would be nice to look back and remember how I was feeling and what I was going through at the time.

I am also feeling like I want to write more reflective blog posts moving forward and make this truly a lifestyle blog so today, I’m sharing a little recap of my first trimester. 

First Trimester

When we first found out we were expecting, I was overwhelmed with anxiety. I knew this was an exciting time for us and I wanted to feel as excited as I did when we found out we were expecting Hoda but there was this blanket of constant worry and anxiety over me that I couldn’t get rid of. I knew 100% the reason for this was because of my traumatizing experience with Hoda’s unexpected early delivery.

All I could think about was if this pregnancy was going to be considered high risk or not. Basically everything that could possibly go wrong, I was thinking about it. It is sad that it took away from the joy and excitement of the pregnancy but at that moment, that’s what was going through my head. It wasn’t until our first prenatal appointment/ultrasound when they confirmed the pregnancy and said everything looks good that I started feeling better about it.

Throughout the first 10 weeks, I was feeling pretty good, just super tired and exhausted all the time. I would come home from work around 7pm, get Hoda ready for bed by 8pm and we would both be out for the night. As I got into the 11th week, I started experiencing some of the common symptoms up until about 16 weeks (well past the first trimester).

Nausea/vomitting: I’m avoiding calling this “morning sickness” because we all know it lasts all day. I would be nauseous all day and if I ate something that didn’t smell right, it came straight out! The worst part was on my 1 hour commute to work, feeling like I had to vomit the entire ride (and I did occasionally).

Bloating: Oh my goodness, how could you feel like you’re 5 months preggers at only 8 weeks? The bloating was so real it caused discomfort and made it impossible to hide from the public ha!

Food Aversions: All the time! I basically didn’t step foot in my kitchen the entire first trimester. I thought the fridge itself had the worst smell ever. The one thing I used to have everyday and love the most was the one thing that made me gag and want to throw up, COFFEE! I couldn’t stand the smell of coffee beans or just Starbucks in general. I’m still not into it as much now which is so strange.

What helped:
Sleeping: Lot’s of it and I didn’t fight it
No housework: Had the husband cook, clean and do everything
Drinking lots of water
Talking with family
Praying for the phase to pass

I tried to stick to my everyday routine as much as possible like staying active and going to the gym regularly. I was taking a kickboxing class once a week every week and I tried to continue it as much as possible during the pregnancy but because that class is also martial arts based and uses weighted bars, it was getting difficult to continue.

Also, I was surprised at how quickly I had to take out the maternity pants this time around. Last time I was able to wear my regular clothes until about 6 months. This time I had to pull them out right in the beginning because of the tightness and bloating.

What I have learned so far is that every pregnancy is so different. Everything I felt was the complete opposite of my first pregnancy. It’s interesting to experience.

Our AMAZING Disney shirts were designed and created by Sidinkedco

The absolute best part about it is trying to make Hoda understand she is about to have a sibling. She likes to come and put her hands on my belly and kiss it randomly. I ask her what’s in mama’s belly, she says “baby” and when I ask her what’s in her belly, she says “food.” lol!

I can’t wait to share the rest of my pregnancy journey with you all! Look out for my second trimester update, pregnancy hacks and all other motherhood related posts!

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