Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Cooler temperatures means playing outdoors less and less. Bad news for us moms because now we need to figure out endless play ideas. I have been thinking of ways to keep my toddler busy with different activities throughout the day. Some activities are homemade and some things have been bought. I’m trying to strategically use and reuse some random things we have around the house. So far it has been pretty successful!

Today, I’m sharing all the indoor activities we have been enjoying lately! All these activities have been tested and loved by my toddler. Make sure you read to the end, there’s a fun surprise!

(1) Water Bead Sensory Play

Hoda has been having a blast with these water beads! You can introduce color sorting and use various tools like a scoop to develop those fine motor skills. All you have to do is soak the beads in water for a few hours until they plump up. We also froze a batch and it became easily destructible. They become a completely different texture when you crush them which is really fun to play with.

(2) Painted Chickpeas

Similar to the water beads, we color sorted some painted chickpeas. I put some chickpeas in a Ziploc bag, then added regular acrylic paint and mixed until all chickpeas were covered. I laid all the chickpeas onto a paper towel until it dried and then it was ready to use. Hoda also uses the chickpeas with her play dishes to “cook.”

(3)  Leaves Art

This activity is so fun and easy. We picked some fallen leaves outside in our front yard for this activity. On a large drawing paper, I drew a tree bark and branches. Then Hoda glued the leaves all over the tree and was so excited to show it off! You can also use contact paper, which is already sticky, for this activity so you don’t have to use glue.

(4) Painting

Of course painting has to be on the list because it provides hours of entertainment. Instead of just sticking your child in front of a blank paper and giving them a paint brush, try using different tools to paint. Keeping with the Fall theme, I drew a tree bark on paper and then using Cutips, I let hoda make dots all over the tree. You can also use sponges, cotton balls, or any other household item you have to make fun paint impressions.

(5) Kitchen Sink Play Set

This is one Hoda’s favorite toys we’ve gotten her. All kids love playing with water and if it wasn’t for this play kitchen sink, Hoda would be playing in the bathroom sink all day. This toy is battery operated and lets out real water from the faucet. Hoda asks to play with this every morning. It has definitely kept her entertained for over an hour at a time.

(6) Play Dough Kits

Ok remember I mentioned there’s a surprise in the end? Well, Hoda and I have been testing this out for a few weeks now and we’re so excited to share it with you! A few weeks back I made a whole bunch of play dough at home and was looking for different ways for Hoda to play with it. Hoda is obsessed with play dough, she asks to play with it all the time, even in the car.

I created this homemade play dough kit with various parts to keep the fun going. I have been rotating the parts and play dough colors for the play dough kit based on the theme. As pictured above, I stuck pipe cleaners into the play dough and cut up some straws for Hoda to string. This was a great way to get her to focus and develop fine motor skills.

In this play dough kit, I added some stamps to make impressions in the play dough, dough cutters, gems and popsicle sticks to encourage imagination.