Tag: indoor activities

Mother’s Day Activities

Mother’s Day Activities

This year for Mother’s day while social distancing will be a bit different. There won’t be a mother’s day brunch or spa day outside the home so why not bring all the fun indoors? Hoda is stoked to make a painting for Mother’s day and […]

Easy Homemade Playdough

Easy Homemade Playdough

We love a good homemade playdough recipe. The kids are always drying out playdough on a regular basis anyway so why not make your own! They love the process of making the dough too! Here is what you need: 1 Cup Flour 1/4 Cup Salt […]

Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Indoor Activities for Toddlers

Cooler temperatures means playing outdoors less and less. Bad news for us moms because now we need to figure out endless play ideas. I have been thinking of ways to keep my toddler busy with different activities throughout the day. Some activities are homemade and […]