Pregnancy Diaries: Second Trimester Recap

Pregnancy Diaries: Second Trimester Recap

What have I been up to the past 3 months? I’m well into the third trimester now and things are getting a little uncomfortable. I thought, before the third trimester woes take over, I should sit down and reflect on my second trimester.
It’s insane to think how quickly time is moving along. Hoda just turned 3 and in a few short weeks she will be a big sister and we will be parents of two!!

Second Trimester

How I’m feeling: Weeks 13-26 have been interesting, rough but slightly better and busy to say the least. I still had bad nausea/vomiting until about 16 weeks. I was having a hard time just going grocery shopping. I would feel like passing out every 5 minutes or just exhausted from standing. Once I got over that, I was feeling so much more energetic and felt like I could get out and enjoy life.
Soon after that, I had the worst sinus congestion for weeks! Sleeping was nearly impossible, the sinus pressure was unbearable and the worst part was I couldn’t even take anything to help with the congestions. It was a long couple of weeks of suffering and I’m so glad that’s behind us.

Work: Right at the beginning of my second trimester, I transitioned to working full time instead of 2-3 days a week. This was definitely rough because that meant more hours commuting and more time away from Hoda. My job is definitely worth it but sometimes I just want to sleep all day!

Doctor appointments: We found out the gender at 16 weeks! (Will share that soon..or not). The baby is measuring right on track which was amazing to hear. With Hoda, she was always measuring 1-2 weeks behind so we we’re thrilled to say the least.

Travel: In the beginning of the second trimester, we did a little bit of traveling because we knew our Summer as going to be busy. We took Hoda to Disney World in Orlando and she had the best time of her life. She still till this day will say that she went to Disney World or will reminisce her time there. In April we also went to Poconos, Pennsylvania with some friends for the weekend. We had an awesome time hanging with friends and enjoying the day at an indoor waterpark.

Nursery: We have done nothing to prepare for this baby except for look at double strollers. Some people may say it’s too early to start preparing but I can never be too careful as Hoda was born 6 weeks early and we had absolutely nothing ready. So far we we managed to paint the baby’s room and I recently painted a DIY accent wall in the room. I’ve gathered some hand-me-downs from relatives which is great but to start the 278438 loads of laundry is still awaiting.

Baby sprinkle: My family threw me a surprise baby sprinkle which was beyond cute! Some pictures below!

Hoda is still getting used to the idea that she will have to share her parents and toys with her sibling. At the moment she gets very jealous when we hold or play with another baby. She cries when I tell her to share her toys with her cousins so we’ll see how she adjusts to having a sibling! She still comes to me asking if she can hug/kiss my belly. She lays on my belly and asks her sibling “what you doing in there?”

Overall, the second trimester has been relatively easy but very busy. I catch myself admiring my growing belly in the mirror. It has been a different experience from the first but enjoyable nonetheless. The second trimester has just flown by and it’s starting to hit me that we’re about to add another little life into our home.

Read my First Trimester Update HERE and look out for my Pregnancy Must Haves post!