Easy Sensory Jars

Easy Sensory Jars

Last week, Hoda and I made a sensory bottle with tons of glitter and butterfly sequins. We couldn’t have made it at a better time since I just started potty training her. She sits on the potty with her jar watching the glitter go up and down as she shakes it. It keeps her entertained enough where I can get some work done.

This particular sensory bottle was so easy to make. All we needed was some glitter glue, butterfly sequins, extra glitter, warm water and a jar to put it all in. I found everything at Michaels Craft store including the empty jar. It was sitting right next to the glitter glue, so I assume a lot of people make the sensory bottles with glitter glue.

Easy Sensory/Calm Down Jars

First, we gathered all the materials and posed for a picture!

Then, we poured half the glitter glue into the jar. After that, I added warm water into the jar leaving a little room at the top for the shaking.

Next we added the extra glitter until we were satisfied and some of the butterfly sequins. Once all the ingredients were added, I used a spoon to stir up all the glue and water mixture.

Glue the lid shut and then shake away!

Super easy activity for the kids to do and it keeps them entertained. I heard a lot of parents use the jars for time out so when all the glitter makes its way to the bottom the child can take themselves out of time out. Hoda is too young for time out right now so we just use it as a fun toy.

I hope you enjoyed this easy DIY!


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